
We are thrilled to embark on an exciting remodeling journey together! Before your project begins we laid out some helpful tips and a checklist for you. If you’ve already completed the following, way to go! This information is here to simply help YOU and us make your project as easy as possible.

Access to your Home

Make sure to let us know your preferred way of letting us access your home during your project, whether it be through a lock-box or providing a garage code. Home access will be for our project manager, subcontractors, and designers. This will ensure a timely completion and smooth coordination of tasks.

Location of Crew Facilities

Please remember to inform us about your preferred location for the dumpster and portable toilet for the remodeling crew; if you opt for the driveway, we can also arrange for a protective barrier to be placed between the dumpster and the cement.


If demolition is a crucial phase of your upcoming project, there are several tasks to do before we begin.

Empty Cabinets: Before demolition begins, clear out all items from cabinets. Store these items in a safe location to prevent any damage. For kitchen remodels specifically, setting up a temporary work area is a practical solution such as using a hot plate, microwave, or a dish basin.

Furniture Removal: Move all furniture out of the affected room(s). This not only protects your furniture from potential damage but also provides space for our crew. If you have concerns about where to temporarily place your furniture, reach out to your project manager for guidance and coordination.


We understand that remodeling can also be stressful for your pets too, so please make arrangements for your pets if you think it will be necessary for them. There will be in and out traffic, power tool noise, paint supplies, etc. to consider.